Ohhhhhhhhh MY FUCKING GOD…
Vous en rêviez, Jude l’a fait !
Y-a-t-il quelque chose de plus sexy dans ce bas monde qu’un homme qui boit du thé ?
Qui plus est lorsque l’homme en question s’appelle Jude Law…
J’avoue que lorsque j’ai vu arriver le mail et que je faisais partie des élues françaises (avec Somewhere over the Teapot, My Cup of Tea et Thé Café Scones) qui allaient être invitées au lancement, j’ai eu du mal à y croire.
Vous me connaissez. Je n’aime pas trop spoiler.
Je vous en dirai donc plus bientôt sur l’évènement qui va agiter à m’en pas douter la planète théinée en 2017 !
Keep in touch.
Voici le communiqué de presse :
« The Law of Tea
‘The coffee kingdom has its George;
Now the new Law of Tea is Jude.’
Jude Law is launching his own tea brand. Conscient of a real need for novelty within the world of British tea, the actor has decided to become the face of his own fashionable brand.
Jude Law will be dropping all other projects until the launch of his tea brand, The Law of Tea. ‘No movie, no perfume add, until the tea is out there – that’s what I’m focused on right now’, said the actor.
The idea came from the assessment that British people mostly drink blends of black tea from teabags. ‘But no-one seems to agree on which one is the best. So I’ve decided to create the ultimate teabag, the one that will get everyone to agree on. After all, everyone has agreed on a certain brand to be the best of the coffee ones so why not do the same with tea? My team has worked for a year on the formula and we have created five blends for different intensities, only from three different kinds of tea – Assam, Yunnan and Keemun’, explains Jude Law.
The plantations have been carefully selected upon different requirements that were essential to us: ethics and transparency. The teas one will find in The Law of Tea blends are cultivated according to the laws of fair trade and can be traced straight back to their source.
Abide by the Law of Tea.
In stores from June 31st 2017. »
Omgggg !!!!! JE suis TROP jalouse !!!! Si tu as une place en plus – let me know 😍👍